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At TJ's Family Daycare, we are committed to spirited learning, growth, development and of course fun! 

We provide a safe, developmentally appropriate environment for infants and toddlers, focusing on learning through play, while also preparing our children for preschool and beyond.

Faint Glow
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Reading and Recognition

Story time is one of our favorite activities. We feel it is important for all of our children even the infants to participate in Story time. 

In addition, we spend a large amount of time teaching through play, covering skills such as ABCs, 123s, colors, shapes, animals, and manners.

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Art and Creating 

We encourage the creative side of your little ones with a variety of activities, such as painting, coloring, water beads, playdoh and much more.

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It has been proven repeatedly that music can enhance ones  learning ability. We encourage that throughout the day with dance parties, and sing-a-longs and kid friendly play lists and shows (minimal screen time)


We often add in some exercise fun with our music time

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Imaginative play is a wonderful way to develop a child's imagination to take on the role of another. Through dramatic play, children will explore different roles or characters.

We do this with lots of fun costumes, dramatic play items such as our kitchen and toy food.

Music and Dancing 

Imaginative and Dramatic


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